"Everyone, have you seen this video?
This is an English version of the Sound Horizon Kingdom Anthem "The Glory Kingdom" sung by a group of 100 Laurants from overseas.
There is no doubt that our fellows are not only in Japan, but all around the world, and there is so many people moved by their feelings.
Now, people from the Sound Horizon International Fansite have gotten into work again, and have started a project to gather voices from all over the world and make a chorus of the song "Revive" to be sent as a present to Sound Horizon on the occasion of the Triumph Concert in Sendai and the Major Debut 7th Anniversary."
Kira Laurant, All Laurant Project.
This time, however, International Laurants will be pairing up with Japanese Laurants for the first time in order to produce a greater present, one that will connect both worlds for once.
This is the first collaborative project between Laurants from Japan and overseas. |